Goodbye August, Hello September

Another month passes by. Oh, August, what a lovely time it was! I know I’m a day early for this post, but with no internet for the time I have to take advantage of when I do have it. Currently I am in the library, surrounded by screaming kids. Whatever happened to being quiet in this holy place?

Anyways, August was quiet eventful! I went to VidCon and had a blast. The week after I went to my first ever concert and saw The Jonas Brothers live! (They were AH-MAZING!) I also met a boy, who broke my heart two weeks later, and read loads of books to compensate for lost time and mend a broken heart.

(Just kidding. Like I’d let a boy break my heart. Pshhh.)

As usual, my monthly favorites consist of my absolute favorite things for the month pertaining literature, music, movies, shows, beauty products, apps, ect.

First up is…

Favorite Book

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. By far my favorite book of the month. No other book even comes close to how much I absolutely loved reading about alien invasions and survival. Cassie believes she is one of the last (if not only) human left on earth. Aliens have descended upon earth and destroyed mankind little by little.

We’re here, and then we’re gone, and it’s not about the time we’re here, but what we do with the time.

There was something completely captivating about The 5th Wave. Yancey’s writing is enthralling and addictive. I couldn’t put the book down for a second! Not only is the book told from Cassie’s first person perspective, but there are also other perspectives that are showcased in each section. I really loved this! Not only did it keep the story interesting and fast-paced, but it also allowed the reader to get an in depth insight of what others faced and knew.

I never thought that I would have liked this book, let alone loved it as much as I did. A special shout out goes to Anna from The Writer Diaries who told me it was good and to read it already. It was collecting a bit of dust and neglect. Now, all I want is the second book.

I will be writing a full review of The 5th Wave soon, so keep an eye out for it! 🙂

A very close second, and worthy mention is Shades of Earth by Beth Revis. I finished this book last night after two months of neglect and was left in tears. I don’t know why I set it down for that long, but once I picked it up again I didn’t dare put it down. The last half of the book was riddled with intense scenes, the writing enthralling. I’m so upset to say goodbye to Amy and Elder. Truly, the Across The Universe series is one of the most unique YA books out there. I highly recommend it!

I now must go and write Beth Revis a fan letter because I have to release my FEELS.

Favorite Music

Mat Kearney is no stranger to me when it comes to his music. Lately, this month I have been loving his song Down. I constantly play it and love to sing it from the top of my lungs.

I’ve also been loving I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace for…reasons.

Both are “old” songs, but I love them nonetheless. Be sure to take a listen and let me know if you like them!

Favorite App


In the last month, I’ve read a total of 10 books. That’s a new record for me! Anyways, I love using the Goodreads app on my phone to update my reading. It keeps track of my progress and how many books I’ve read to date (I’ve read 57 books thus far!). It’s also a great way for my friends to look at what I’m reading and vice versa. I’ve kind of been setting my reading goals a tad bit higher. For example, I’m reading 4 books at the moment. I know, crazy. But using the app, let’s me rant or give my opinion/thought for an update. That by far is one of my favorite parts. I’ve also linked my Goodreads to my Twitter account and that’s also helpful to let my followers know what I’m up to in the literature world.

I love, love, love it! If you haven’t downloaded the app to your phone or tablet or ect. make sure to do so! I think it’s great!

Favorite Beauty Products


Thanks to my best friend, Ray, for introducing Noxzema into my life. I’ve been using this new skin moisturing/cleansing cream since the beginning of the month and have no qualms with it. I LOVE it. I even let my brother use it.

I use Noxzema twice a day. Once in the morning and the second time at night, right before I go to bed. I’ve seen my skin clearer and healthier than it’s ever been. There’s no irritation caused by the cream which is a forthcoming.

I seriously love this stuff and highly recommend it! I purchased my jar at Wal-Mart for only $5 bucks. It most likely will last me for 3 months tops. Definitely an invest worth looking into! If you try it let me know how it works for you! 🙂

Almost Lipstick

I also still love my Almost Lipstick that I mentioned in last month’s favorites post. I did not mention the one I purchased though. The one I have is Tender Honey, which is a neutral base color. This month I may be bold and try a color out of my comfort zone this month. I think I’d try either Lovely Honey or Spicy Honey. But that’s a huge maybe. Which shade do you guys think I should try?

Julep Mint Condition Pedi Creme

Lastly, I recently joined Julep and as my first free gift I received a free box of two nail polishes and foot moisturizer called Mint Condition Pedi Creme . I love the latter. It has definitely improved the feel of soles. Plus, it’s minty. Who does not love mint??

August was a memorable month; one that is going to be hard to top. I only hope that September is just as great, or at least sweet to me. I need some sweetness in my life.

If you have an August Favorites post, feel free to leave a link at the bottom! Also, feel free to also treat this as a monthly meme and DO IT! It’s fun laying out all your favorite things of the month 🙂



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